Birth Index Search
To date we have indexed 1860 through 1915, last names A through U. We are continually updating the index. If you require a record between 1860 through 1915, last name V through Z, you'll have to visit our office or mail a written request. Some birth records from 1860 through 1878 are not as informative as others and some have misspelled names. For this reason, we created a field for a.k.a. (also known as). The a.k.a. field will make it easier to locate a particular record if there is a discrepancy.

*The State did not require records to be recorded until the year 1916. If you do not find the record in our index, the birth was not recorded in McLean County during that period. 1916 and thereafter, our office is required to do the search for you. For your convenience, you will find our Application on this website.

Please Enter a Birth Name (Last Name Only)
Please Enter a Birth Name (First Name Only)
(leave blank if unknown)